Off-Road Vehicle Tour in Lower Molise

Where: Italy - Molise

Duration: 5 days / 4 nights

Treatment: Half board

Participants: at least 2

Departures: from the 01/06/2022 to 27/03/2023


Adventure itinerary in  off-road vehicle to enter the most hidden and least known places in the area. 3 full days in Molise in close contact with its nature and its food and wine traditions; overnight stays in Dimora Rurale in Larino and lots of adventure activities!
Forget your car at the hotel, our off-road vehicles will take care of your transport!
Notes: Our Molise proposals are modular between them, and can also be developed for car or e-bike routes with the possibility of on-site rental.
VALIDITY: FROM 01/06/2021 TO 31/03/2022

1st day: Arrival in Larino (Cb)
Arrival in Larino and accommodation at Dimora Rurale. Dinner and overnight.

2nd day: From Biferno to the Stelle
soft-adventure in off-road vehicle through an itinerary that explores the most intimate areas of the territory, immersed in a forgotten nature
Breakfast. Climbing aboard the legendary Land, we begin this little adventure traveling through places of ancient memory now forgotten. We are on the Tratturo of the Ateleta-Biferno transhumance. The route immediately faces its imperceptible uphill traces to discover beautiful landscapes of Calanchi, ancient fountains and rural churches. We pass the isolated villages of San Felice del Molise and Acquaviva Collecroce and reach the renowned “Cipressi” winery for a short stop. We continue on our green path until we cross, in the countryside of Montefalcone del Sannio, the small natural lake where we will have a delicious lunch break (“Il Tratturo” restaurant or equipped Pic-Nic area).
After satisfied our palates, we get on our cars and face a steep climb that will take us to Monte la Rocchetta and Monte Mauro, which reach 1000 meters above sea level. Through a path in the woods we reach the highest point of Monte Mauro where a technological astronomical observatory is perched.
From this moment on the path is all downhill and full of views, we first pass through the beautiful center of Castelmauro then, through countryside and woods, we reach Guardialfiera and, accompanied by the wonderful scenery of the Liscione lake, we reach the bottom of the valley of the Biferno river again and our meeting point. Dinner and overnight stay in a Dimora Rurale in Larino.

3rd day: The Frentano Territory, between culture and adventure
suggestive stroll through the history and landscape surrounding the important and ancient city of Larinum.
Breakfast. You get on board our gentle and unstoppable off-road vehicles. We leave the comfort of the asphalt and immediately begin journeys on dirt roads forgotten by daily traffic, thus starting an unforgettable adventure to discover the many hidden corners that time and nature have jealously guarded. The first stop we reach is the Liscione lake with its 1,043 km², we will skirt its shore admiring the surrounding environment. Our goal is to reach the village of Casacalenda by climbing among sunny and suggestive cultivated fields, pine forests and breathtaking views of the lake below.
At the end of the climb, the sanctuary of the “Madonna della Difesa" awaits us; a short stop and we reach the nearby village of Casacalenda for a guided visit of the contemporary art museum located among its suggestive alleys. Visit to the renowned “Bio Sapori” companies and to the “La Fonte Nuova” artisan dairy. Back on the Jeep and again through forgotten streets and steep climbs, we leave to visit the isolated convent of Sant’Onofrio and for the lunch at a farmhouse. The adventure continues with the evocative ruins of Gerione, an ancient city of 500 BC. arose from the crossroads between the Via Latina and the Traiana-Frentana as well as Hannibal's headquarters in 217 BC.
Return to the Dimora Rurale for dinner and overnight stay.

4th day: Chasing the Transhumance – Paths in Tratturi
Breakfast. Meeting with your driver and departure, on off-road vehicles, through isolated streets and mule tracks, towards the legendary Tratturo Celano-Foggia in the shortest possible journey. In sequence we reach Montorio nei Frentani, Montelongo, Santa Croce di Magliano and, finally, we intercept this imposing transhumance route, incredibly 111 meters wide. The surrounding environment is a true uniqueness. From here, the flat Tavoliere della Capitanata Pugliese gives way to the first gentle hills of Molise, offering bucolic landscapes and beautiful views as far as the eye can see. These are the minor and unknown places we want to visit and so we start with the ruins of an ancient mill and the medieval tower of Magliano. We continue until the rural church of Sant’Elena, a “Post Office” (place used as a temporary stop for couriers and stagecoaches that transported people, goods and correspondence) located on the Tratturo in the countryside of San Giuliano di Puglia. We continue on this ancient road and face one of the most inaccessible passages even for transhumants: "Scorcia Capra, the crossing of the Cigno river in this point, swallowed by the sticky, colored clays that creates “lunar landscapes” for the eyes. Gastronomic stop on a farm in Ripabottoni. We pass the Centocelle intersection where the majestic "Celano-Foggia" intercepts the "Centocelle - Taverna del Cortile" track arm and focus on Morrone del Sannio from where we will look out over the spectacular valley bottom of the Biferno river. From this point on, the route takes us back to Larino passing through the fascinating church of Santa Maria Casalpiano with the beautiful ruins of a Benedictine abbey and a Roman villa. Return to the Dimora Rurale in Larino, free dinner, overnight stay.

5th day: Goodbye Molise
Breakfast and check-out of your room. Departure for your destination of origin or extension of your stay in Molise with our other proposals.

4 nights in a double room in Dimora Rurale in Larino on bed and breakfast basis + 3 dinners with drinks included; transport in Molise with off-road vehicles (one 9-seater off-road vehicle for every 6 participants); environmental hiking guide along the walking routes; 3 lunches in typical restaurants during the excursion or organization of the bivouacs and tastings included in the program, with local and excellent food and wine products; accompanying staff present 12/24; medical/baggage insurance and civil liability for off-road vehicles; Easyweeks Tour Operator telephone assistance 24/7

Means of transport to reach Molise; tips to guides and drivers; meals where not indicated; what is not expressly indicated in the rates include.

WARNING! It is not possible to make reservations for this tour
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